“In the north, we have planted seeds for growth”
It will take time to build new, lasting partnerships
We are proud of the innovation projects spurred in Arctic technology
We learnt how well we can handle obstacles when joining forces
"Our programme spread a new project attitude"
The right skills to nurture a green automotive industry
Preparing to survive earthquakes
Saving tree crops from pests
A cooperation pioneer back to the helm
How satellite images can help save water ecosystems
From Tunisia to Greece, borderless youth for cooperation
When common roots inspire solidarity
The new generation of entrepreneurs
"I don’t tell my family I'm driving aid to Ukraine"
Youth speaking the universal language of sustainability
“Here my discoveries on oil spills”
“Eco-tourism? Let villagers tell the story”
Unlocking Arctic borders
Public buildings cut energy bills: new parameters in 3D models
Amber, the golden heritage
Training monks to manage religious archaeological relics
Thousands of citizens monitoring dolphins
From legendary vessels to museums
Everything is real, except for the pirate!
“Everything is in your hands”
Building the professions of the future: the “energy auditor”
Preserving the unique wooden architecture of Fennoscandia
“Each day you feel more empowered: it’s a life-changing opportunity”
Charging your electric car through your smartphone
"The young Belarusian teacher was teaching the Polish autistic child and they could understand perfectly. This was unexpected to me: I could see that cooperation in this matter really makes sense"
Plants eating oil for a natural clean-up of the Arctic
Let’s change vacations: let’s go building ancient boats
"Cooperation works, if you want"
Green farmers conquering shelves with IT
"CBC brings a high return on investments"
We are going to integrate the mechanic of the ENI CBC programmes in the system that we use within the EU
"TESIM: a team of 20 experts behind the cooperation across the external EU borders"
Seven programmes with Russia “Results are tangible, I’m proud”
Local authorities from both sides of the border “own” the programmes: this ownership feeling is somehow unique in the cooperation field
"Citizens against marine litter"
"We are all fighting a common enemy: forest fire"
"Strategies, mechanisms, grant schemes... it sounds complex, but it all aims at improving life for the communities"
"We connect buyers and sellers to sustain agrobusiness"
"People across borders want to work together"
"A 3D reconstruction of an old castle is a bridge to connect young people with their heritage"
"We replace historical prejudices with friendship and mutual benefits"
"Diseases, pollution, natural disasters, social tensions: if one side of the border is affected, the other will be too. We must work together"
"The identity of Europe is more evident near its boundaries, where different cultures have interwoven a precious fabric"
"Both EU and non-EU states have a say at political and technical level: their rights are equally respected"
"In the end, the Tunisians spoke Italian, the Italians spoke French and also some words of Arabic."
"In border regions cooperation overcomes the animosity among people, and their isolation from capital cities"
"The public and private sectors work together to find common grounds and surmount differences"
"A border is an opportunity for development"
"Our platform has supported thousands of cultural actors across five countries"
"This programme is being built by the people involved in it: it's its real value"
"It's all about building teams for joint solutions"
"A trip across borders broke down all my stereotypes"