
The main objective of the Poland-Russia CBC Programme 2014-2020 is to support cross-border cooperation in the social, environmental, economic and institutional sphere. Through these spheres the foundations are built for building and developing cross border cooperation and good neighbourly relations in the cross border region. The programme will focus on four themes: Promotion of local […]

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The overall aim of the Programme is to promote a viable economy and attractiveness of the region, where inhabitants and visitors come to enjoy the arctic nature and where natural resources are used in a sustainable way. The Kolarctic Cross Border Cooperation 2014–2020 Programme continues and strengthens cross-border cooperation between the countries in the North […]

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The Karelia CBC Programme enhances cooperation between border Finnish and Russian regions with the support of the Russian Federation, Finland and the European Union. The programme complements the regional development programmes with its specific cross-border nature. At the same time, the programme contributes to the European level strategic and thematic objectives defined for cross-border cooperation. […]

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South-East Finland-Russia


This programme aims to contribute to economic and social development, deal with common challenges and promote mobility among relevant regional actors to further improve cross-border cooperation and the sustainability of the programme area. The South-East Finland – Russia CBC 2014-2020 programme is one of the three programmes implemented at the border regions between Finland and […]

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The Programme area lies to the east of the Baltic Sea and covers the whole Kaliningrad region of the Russian Federation as well as western and southern parts of Lithuania. The programme regions, due to the unique geographical position, have always been at the crossroads of European history and are rich on both cultural landscape […]

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Romania-Republic of Moldova

The Romania-Republic of Moldova Programme tries to enhance economic development and to improve the quality of life of the people in the programme area through joint investments in education, economic development, culture, cross border infrastructure and health while ensuring the safety and security of the citizens in the two countries. The programme follows up on […]

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The general objective of the Romania-Ukraine Programme is to enhance the economic development and to improve the quality of life of the people in the programme area through joint investments in education, economic development, culture, infrastructure and health while ensuring the safety and security of the citizens in the two countries. In addition to the […]

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The Hungary-Slovakia-Romania-Ukraine programme aims to promote activities which will lead to more intense and deeper social and economic cooperation between regions of Ukraine and regions of EU Member States sharing a common border. The programme will intensify and deepen cooperation in an environmentally, socially and economically sustainable way between the Zakarpatska, Ivano-Frankivska and Chernivetska regions […]

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The programme aims to promote cooperation across the borders between Estonia and the Russian Federation. Cross border cooperation supports the overall ENI objective of progress towards ‘an area of shared prosperity and good neighbourliness’ between EU Member States and their neighbours. The programme focuses on four themes: Business and SME development Promotion of border management […]

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The programme contributes to strengthening relations between Latvia and Russia and promoting enhanced political cooperation and progressive economic integration. The strategic goal of the programme is to support joint efforts for addressing cross border development challenges and promoting sustainable use of existing potential of the area across the border between Latvia and Russia. The programme […]

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