Balancing reiteration and innovation: one year in review

How to deal with the unexpected illustrates the diversity of human nature. Some of us would rather be prepared in advance and recognise it when it happens, while others prefer to be taken by surprise and enjoy navigating through it. After eight years supporting the neighbourhood territorial cooperation community, deep in TESIM hearts we expected […]

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The closure templates presented to 90 programme representatives

The meeting on closure organised by the Directorate-General for Regional and Urban Policy (DG REGIO) and TESIM on 29 May 2024 marked a significant milestone in the closure process of the ENI Cross-Border Cooperation (ENI CBC) programmes for the 2014-2020 period. It gathered more than 90 programme representatives who learned about the templates for the […]

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One week to build project development skills

External border regions hungry for cooperation; potential project applicants from Partner Countries are impatient to know more, to learn, to understand. TESIM’s first four Capacity Building Weeks have come to an end, but given the high number of requests for participation that could not be met, more are planned for the near future.  The sign […]

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How to change cooperation after 2027?

«Is living next to a border an opportunity or a disadvantage?», «What would be the cooperation project of your dreams?» These are some of the questions that citizens and organisations involved in cooperation across EU’s external borders will be invited to answer in the coming months. In preparing for the post-2027 Interreg programmes, the European […]

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Need fresh forces to engage in citizens’ consultations? Host IVY volunteers!

Over the seven years of its action, the Interreg Volunteer Youth initiative (IVY) has proved to be a valuable resource for both Interreg programmes and projects. Since 2017 almost 900 young people supported communication in 64 Interreg programmes, and complemented activities in over 300 Interreg projects. The opportunity not to be missed by the Neighbourhood […]

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Ukraine, the solidarity continues on the way to accession

It was February 24, 2022, and suddenly everything changed. Since the beginning of the Russian aggression to Ukraine, ENI CBC programmes multiplied their efforts to sustain in a way or another the tens of thousands of refugees and displaced people flooding the country and its neighbours. Projects’ efforts were not spared to feed, host, care […]

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