Financial Management and Audit
ENI CBC programmes are implemented under shared management for the first time, which requires a bigger commitment and responsibility by programme bodies and participating countries.
TESIM supports the programmes and countries in the key challenges for a successful launch of all programmes. In particular, our team carries out:
- Networking events and labgroups, e.g. on management and control systems, application pack and grant contract or management and information systems
- Development of guidance documents, e.g. on the description of management and control systems, designation process, financial aspects of application packs or programme accounts
- On going support to programme bodies
- Briefings and training activities for national authorities, managing & audit authorities, joint technical secretariats, control contact points and members of groups of auditors
Further resources and presentations from events coming soon.
Closure of ENPI CBC Programmes
In addition to the support provided to ENI CBC programmes, TESIM is actively involved in the process of closure of programmes under the period 2007-2013. This includes the preparation of ad-hoc guidance, the organisation of networking events and the delivery of individual advisory services. You can find here below all the documents available so far on this topic.
Monitoring and Evaluation
Programmes and projects are designed to meet their specific objectives within a limited time frame using the resources allocated to them. Monitoring and evaluation is intended to measure and assess the performance of the programmes and their supported projects in order to ensure that they are well on track, are managed effectively and achieve the promised results.
TESIM supports programmes in their monitoring and evaluation activities by:
- Organising regular meetings of the monitoring and evaluation labgroup, which is a platform for in-depth discussions and exchanges among the programmes
- Providing guidance documents
- Delivering trainings and ad-hoc support to programmes
The work on this theme heavily builds on the products below, developed by INTERACT ENPI concerning indicators.
Keep an eye out here for further info resources and presentations.
Large Infrastructure Projects
In addition to the standard CBC projects selected through calls for proposals, most ENPI CBC programmes decided also to co-finance Large Infrastructure Projects, which will be in most cases selected by means of a direct award.
Such projects have been pre-identified by nine programmes. At least EUR 2,5 million of the project budget is allocated to the acquisition of infrastructure, mainly to implement investments delivering a cross-border impact and benefits.
TESIM supports the programmes bodies and the participating countries in properly addressing the key challenges related to an efficient and succesful selection and contracting of this specific type of projects. In particular, our team carries out:
- Labgroups, e.g., on selection process and application pack – requirements and main challenges
- Development of guidance documents, e.g., on the use of the direct award procedure and identification, selection and contracting of LIPs in ENI CBC programmes
- On-going support to programme bodies, beneficiaries and the EC
Further info resources and presentations from events coming soon
Visibility (communication, coordination, capitalisation)
Support to raising visibility of ENI CBC is one of the core areas of the TESIM project and covers all levels, from the European Commission to both programme and project level. Uplifting the profile of ENI CBC as a whole and reaching wider audiences, including high-level decision-makers and citizens, has been identified as one of the key requirements of ENI CBC by the European Commission.
In order to achieve increased visibility for ENI CBC, TESIM will work to:
- enhance a higher degree of coordination among ENI CBC programmes
- ensure a higher degree of visibility of ENI CBC through the implementation of promotional activities
In order to provide a platform for high-level exchange among programmes on strategic matters affecting ENI CBC, the Consultation and Coordination Group of ENI CBC programmes has been set up by TESIM. This group meets annually and is intended to serve also as a forum for identifying and integrating measures to foster increased coordination and visibility of ENI CBC. Likewise, it serves as a means to consult the support provided by the TESIM project.
- All networking events organised by TESIM will create space for informal exchange among programmes and countries
- The network of communication managers will focus on the two-way relationship between coordination and visibility
- Coordination between TESIM and counterpart initiatives, for example, the INTERACT Programme, the OPEN Programme etc.
Further info resources and presentations from events coming soon