
The overall aim of the Programme is to promote a viable economy and attractiveness of the region, where inhabitants and visitors come to enjoy the arctic nature and where natural resources are used in a sustainable way. The Kolarctic Cross Border Cooperation 2014–2020 Programme continues and strengthens cross-border cooperation between the countries in the North Calotte and northwest Russia. The programme is co-funded by the European Union from the European Neighbourhood Instrument (ENI CBC), Finland, Norway, Russia and Sweden, each with their national and regional financing. Funding shall be granted to joint projects operating in line with the strategy and priorities jointly agreed by the Finnish, Swedish, Norwegian and Russian partners.

The programme will achieve its aim by focusing on four themes:

  1. Business and SME development
  2. Environmental protection, climate change mitigation and adaptation
  3. Improvement of accessibility to the regions, development of sustainable and climate-proof transport and communication networks and systems
  4. Promotion of border management and border security, mobility and migration management.

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