

    The closure templates presented to 90 programme representatives

    The meeting on closure organised by the Directorate-General for Regional and Urban Policy (DG REGIO) and TESIM on 29 May 2024 marked a significant milestone in the closure process of the ENI Cross-Border Cooperation (ENI CBC) programmes for the 2014-2020 period. It gathered more than 90 programme representatives who learned about the templates for the final programme report and had the opportunity to receive answers to their questions submitted prior to the meeting, as well as those raised during the meeting.

    All expenditures to be incurred and paid by the deadlines – Programme authorities were reminded to plan and coordinate effectively. This includes ensuring that all expenditures are incurred and paid by the stipulated deadlines – 31 December 2023 for project activities and 30 September 2024 for programme technical assistance.

    Final documents submitted by 15 February 2025 – The final closure documents must be submitted to the EC by 15 February 2025. However, there is flexibility to extend this deadline to 15 February 2026, if needed. The programme reports will be reviewed thoroughly to ensure all aspects of the programme are appropriately concluded. These documents will be submitted via SFC2014, using a specific closure module and must include all required sections without alterations.

    Ensuring sustainability for at least five years – A critical aspect of the closure process is the sustainability and durability of the projects funded under the ENI CBC programmes. Projects must remain impactful for at least five years post-closure. This means any significant changes that undermine the original objectives of the projects must be avoided, and project results should continue to benefit the communities involved. Post-closure monitoring has to ensure compliance with these provisions.

    A guide on “How to fill in the technical part”– Accurate financial reporting is crucial for the programme closure. Programme authorities need to ensure that all financial data is correctly compiled and submitted, as they will be used for the final balance calculations. The technical part of the report, in its turn, has to properly describe the entire period of programme implementation, highlighting both, the achievements, as well as challenges,  explaining and evaluating programme performance and achievement of the set objectives and indicators.

    To support programme authorities in this work, a “How to fill in technical part” guide will be developed and circulated to the programmes to provide clarity on the requirements for this part of the report.

    Support available from DG REGIO and TESIM – DG REGIO, along with TESIM, will continue to support programme authorities in the closure process. Representatives of the European Commission (EC) underscored the collaborative nature of the process, highlighting their commitment to supporting programme authorities through each step of the closure.

    More meetings in the second part of the year – Mr. Gilland stressed that programme closure is an ongoing process that will take time. Along the way, programmes will face challenges and unique situations, but the EC and TESIM are there to support them. He also mentioned that this meeting is not a one-off event, and that programmes will continue to share their approaches and solutions with peers.

    Programme representatives were also reminded of the upcoming meetings: the Eastern cluster and the Northern cluster meetings in June, as well as the Annual conference, Coordination and consultation group, and Audit network meeting that will take place in the second part of the year.

    A legacy of strengthened partnership – As the ENI CBC 2014-2020 programme comes to a close, the focus remains on ensuring that all projects have achieved their intended goals and that the benefits continue to be felt across the participating regions. The European Union is committed to maintaining and building on the successes of the programmes.

    The meeting underscored the importance of cooperation, careful planning, and diligence in the closure process. With the collective efforts of all involved, the ENI CBC programmes are set to close on a high note, leaving a legacy of strengthened cross-border partnerships and sustainable development.

    For more information and support, programme authorities can contact the support team at

    Let’s continue to build on the progress made and ensure a smooth and successful closure of the ENI CBC 2014-2020 programmes.

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