Summary of project preparation events in Turkey
In Turkey, about 200 potential applicants of the ENI CBC Black Sea Basin programme participated in project preparation workshops organised in Istanbul (14 March) and Sinop (16 March).
The events were delivered with support from TESIM, in close collaboration with the programme Managing Authority, Joint Technical Secretariat and National Authority in Turkey. They included interactive sessions on:
- Key elements of Black Sea Basin call for proposals
- Developing ENI CBC project partnership and intervention logic
- Project financial aspects (including national requirements) and eligibility criteria
- Key aspects of project activity and financial planning
- How to apply in the programme Electronic Monitoring System
A large majority of public institutions such as local governments, development agencies and universities confirmed their high interest in working on tourism development, cultural heritage and environment sectors in this cross-border cooperation area. 90% of all participants expressed their commitment to apply in this first call for proposals.
Among those (30%) who had already applied in the previous Black Sea Basin programme, a couple of experienced projects shared their own experiences in project planning and communication strategy.
In their evaluation of the events, 60% of participants assessed the workshops as « very useful » and 40% as « useful ».
Please find here the bilingual version (EN/TR) of the presentations from these events: