

    12 minutes to answer your questions on project closure or final reporting

    New video tutorials are there to guide you! Several dozens of ENI CBC projects have been finalised recently and many more are expected to close in the coming months. Project closure raises a series of specific technical challenges for project beneficiaries and needs to be properly anticipated. To support project beneficiaries in this end-of-project challenging period, TESIM has developed 2 video tutorials with accompanying written guidance focusing on (1) Preparing for project closure and on (2) Final reporting and controls.


    As a logical follow-up of the story on project implementation developed in the previous tutorials, the new video tutorials (12-minute each) explain how the three project beneficiaries – Anna, Boris and Carla – are preparing to finalize their project.

    The first tutorial highlights key issues related to Preparing for project closure, such as the last adjustments of activities or budget, the dissemination of results, project sustainability or end-of-project evaluation.

    The second tutorial on Final reporting and controls focuses on the preparation of the final report and on the obligations remaining long after the project ends, during the open-to-control period. 

    The new video tutorials can be found on the GoforENICBC e-learning platform in the section Project implementation. In the coming weeks, they will also be released in French, Russian and Arabic.

    Enjoy the videos and share them with your colleagues!




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