
   Coming events

Thematic workshop “What environment for post-2020?”


09 October 2019


NH Brussels Carrefour de l’Europe
Rue Marche aux Herbes - Grasmarkt Straat, 110, Brussels

When it comes to environment and climate change, EU Member States and their neighbours face similar challenges and the cross-border regions seek for common solutions at their land or a sea borders. As a result, out of 500 awarded projects so far by 10 ENI CBC programmes, almost 100 of them have been funded under thematic objective 6.

As result of the analysis of this relevant bunch of projects, TESIM will organise a thematic workshop on 9 October in Brussels where in its first part, the participants will share possible answers to the following questions:

·         how does cross-border cooperation foster the protection and preservation of the environment?

·         which are the innovative solutions brought by the projects approved in this field?

·         how are these projects paving the way for a greener, low-carbon Europe and its neighbourhood in the next programming period?

But the thematic workshop is embedded in a wider clustering and capitalisation pathway for all ENI CBC community in a post-2020 perspective TESIM is working on: accordingly, the second part of the event will focus on how to make this approach operational both at programme and project level.

The workshop will be a one-full day event and will target project managers (i.e., MA/JTS representatives dealing with content issues) and communication managers, within the limit of two representatives per programme.

Please consult the draft agenda here: TESIM_Thematic workshop Labgroup_Concept and agenda

The registration to this event is open until 27 September. The event venue is NH Brussels Carrefour de l’Europe, Brussels.

In addition, in the framework of the next European Week of Regions and Cities (7-10 October) a Participatory Lab on 10 October  will be organised by TESIM in order to present and discuss cross-border projects dealing with the engagement of citizens for a greener planet. More information and registration to the event are available on our website.

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