
   Coming events

Taking stock of ENI CBC and looking ahead to Interreg NEXT


30 June 2020

Entrepreneurship and innovation are key levers to sustainable growth and jobs. In ENI CBC areas, local cross-border cooperation projects target a field-oriented convergence process to support a harmonised territorial development.

TESIM will organize a thematic webinar devoted to a reflexion and discussion on how the (expected) results of the current projects can be used for building strategies of the future programmes, being aware that the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic will strongly impact entrepreneurship and innovation. In particular:

  • How is economic development in terms of innovation and entrepreneurship embedded in the programme and project strategies?
  • Which are the key-success factors for good practices in the field of innovation and entrepreneurship?
  • How are these projects paving the way for a smarter Europe and its neighbourhood in the next programming period taking on board the impact of Covid-19?

Please find here the agenda: TESIM_Thematic Webinar_Economic development_20200630_FINAL AGENDA

The registration is open until 25 June, COB.

The main target audience of the event are the project and programme managers.

Please note that this will be a Zoom-based meeting.

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