
   Coming events

Small projects in NEXT – who, what, how?


28 May 2021

Together with ENI CBC / NEXT programmes we worked on the development of a practical roadmap to implement small-scale projects.

The event “Small projects in NEXT – who, what, how?” was organised following a lab-group approach. During the meeting, the programme practitioners exchanged on the:

  • current practices for ENI CBC programmes that are relevant for small-scale projects schemes in NEXT;
    the factors (the relative financial amount, relevance to the programme priorities chosen, relevance to the foreseen target groups, etc) that are crucial for successful implementation of small projects;
  • agreed on the indicative steps (to do’s) to establish the support mechanism for small-scale project schemes.

As the follow-up, TESIM will translate the working outcomes of the meeting to the ‘Community roadmap to implement small-scale projects’ to be used for the inspiration of individual NEXT programmes. You can find the slides of the event here: Small scale projects – presentations

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