
   Coming events

Second network meeting on audit issues for the ENI CBC programmes


19 September 2018 - 20 September 2018


Splaiul Unirii 160, Bucharest

The implementation of ENI CBC programmes requires cooperation not only from project practitioners, but also from the authorities involved in the programme administration. 30 colleagues from the ENI CBC Audit Authorities and selected Group of Auditors gathered for 2nd network meeting on audit issues for the ENI CBC programmes in Bucharest (Romania) on 19-20 September. The meeting provided opportunities to exchange on the work done so far and on the work planned for the upcoming year (experiences with designation and follow-up measures, preparation for the first system audits, setting up the the GoAs), with an emphasis on the specificities of ENI CBC.

Please find the agenda of the event (already on site) and presentations (new archive). Thank you for the participation and looking forward meeting you next year!

The event agenda can be found here: TESIM_agenda_2nd_AA_network

The event presentations can be downloaded here: Slides_2nd_ENI_CBC_AA_network_meeting

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