
   Coming events

Recovery in border regions of the Eastern Partnership territories


15 December 2021

How can Interreg NEXT contribute to the recovery of border regions of the Eastern Partnership following the COVID-19 pandemic?  Which orientations have been provided by the European Commission to programming bodies concerning their future strategies? And which areas of intervention will programmes target with their efforts? The Association of European Border Regions (AEBR) and TESIM are organising an online event to inform the AEBR members, various actors and stakeholders in the border regions about the new generation of the Neighbourhood cross-border cooperation programmes – Interreg NEXT.

After an introduction from the President and the Secretary General of AEBR, Karl Heinz Lambert and Martin Guillermo Ramirez respectively, the event will be divided into two sessions. A strategic one, focused on the institutional recovery efforts following the crisis, will see the participation of speakers from DG REGIO, EEAS, the European Parliament, the European Committee of the Regions and the Secretary General of the Assembly of European Regions (AER).  It will be followed by an operational session, dealing with the recovery prospects related to the new programming period: here the Managing Authorities of five ENI CBC programmes will engage in a dialogue with representatives of DG REGIO and AEBR.

The draft agenda can be found here: Recovery_in_border_regions_agenda

To attend the event the registration is required:

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