
   Coming events

Monitoring and evaluation network meeting


18 May 2021

One year has passed since the previous Monitoring and evaluation network meeting. A year with all its ups and downs, it has brought us the prolongation of the project and programme implementation period, taught to monitor projects remotely and brought first results of the programme evaluations.

This year the first event of the Monitoring and evaluation network meeting will focus on the result-oriented monitoring of projects in the times of pandemic, mid-term evaluations planned and carried out in the ENI CBC programmes, as well as the achievement of indicator targets in the ENI CBC programmes.

This Zoom-based meeting will take place in on 18 May, targeting programme/project officers involved in programming, monitoring and evaluation (maximum 3 representatives per programme).

The registration is open until 11 May (COB), after its closure the participants will receive the link to the meeting.

The draft agenda can be downloaded here: TESIM_MaE_network_draft_agenda_18_May


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Registrations are closed for this event.

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