
   Coming events

Joint Monitoring Committee Meetings of ENPI/ENI CBC Mediterranean Sea Basin Programme


20 December 2017 - 21 December 2017

The Joint Monitoring Committee (JMC) meetings of both the ENI CBC Mediterranean Sea Basin Programme and the ENPI CBC Mediterranean Sea Basin will take place on 20 – 21 December in Marseille, France.

The ENI CBC JMC meeting will address the following issues among others:

  • the call for standard projects
  • the call for strategic projects
  • activity, financial and communication plans for 2018
  • draft ex-post evaluation
  • synergies and complementarities.

The ENPI CBC JMC meeting will address the following issues among others:

  • programme state of play
  • analysis of selected results achieved
  • recovery procedure.


For further information on the Mediterranean Sea Basin Programme, please see their website here.

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