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Consultations in Interreg NEXT – webinar on requirements and tools for programme partners


29 May 2020

The post-2020 programming exercise, already launched by the majority of the ENI CBC programmes, shall rely on the appropriate involvement of relevant partners, as it increases ownership, transparency and legitimacy.

In order to make the partnership principle a methodological approach in the definition of the future programme strategies, TESIM organises a webinar targeting the staff of the Managing Authorities and Joint Technical Secretariats on 29 May 2020.

Using as a reference the Guidance and Toolkit issued by TESIM and shared with programmes on 2 April, the aim of the webinar is two-fold:

–       To provide the managing bodies with the key insights and methodological guiding principles on how to carry out the actions required for such kind of consultation under the new regulatory framework;

–       To introduce hands-on tools and methodologies for effective consultations (TESIM Toolkit)

A partial adaptation of the toolkit to a more balanced combination of presential and online consultations, with a view to mitigating the effects of a potential prolonged lockdown, has been undertaken and will be available after the webinar.

The event agenda is available here: TESIM webinar_Interreg NEXT_Consultations with programme partners_Draft Agenda

Registration to the event will be open until Monday, 25 May, COB.

(Please note that participation is allowed up to three representatives per programme)

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