
   Coming events

Capacity Building Workshop for ENI CBC MED Programme in Beirut – Lebanon


17 June 2019 - 18 June 2019

A capacity-building workshop organised by TESIM – in close cooperation with the Managing Authority and the National Authority of ENI CBC MED programme – will take place in Beirut (Lebanon) on 17-18 June 2019.

The main objective of the workshop, planned in the framework of the 2nd call for proposals of the ENI CBC MED programme, is to enhance the capacity of potential lead applicants in developing good quality projects matching the award criteria of the call. During the workshop, practical exercises will be carried out on building the project intervention logic, work plan, budget and financial plan.

Please note that this is a two-day event, and that it will run from 9.00 to 17.30 on the first day and from 09.00 to 14.00 on the second day.

The maximum number of participants will be 30. Priority will be given to those potential lead applicants who will attend (or will register to) the info day organised by the Managing Authority in Beirut on June 11th.

The workshop welcomes one participant per institution/organisation within the limit of available seats. As for the specific focus of each day, different profiles can attend the event: Project Management staff of potential applicants on day one, and financial management staff on day two.

Please register below for the workshop. The registration deadline is 10 June 2019.

The event agenda can be found here: TESIM_ENI CBC MED _Capacity building event_2nd Call_ Agenda Lebanon

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