
   Coming events

BECAUSE NEIGHBOURS SHARE THE SAME HOME: Environmental cooperation in Central and Eastern neighbourhood CBC programmes and projects


28 February 2023

On 28 February TESIM will hold an online event dedicated to environmental practices in Central and Eastern neighbourhood CBC programmes and projects. In particular, the environmental challenges will be addressed taking into consideration the distribution of priorities and specific objectives in both ENI CBC and Interreg NEXT programmes, clustered in three main domains:

  • Protection of biodiversity and nature
  • Risks prevention and climate change mitigation
  • Water, energy and circular economy

Using projects as a bridge between the two programming periods, we will take stock of the richness of initiatives implemented under ENI CBC in this geographical area, identifying territorial strengths and potential gaps that should be addressed by the forthcoming calls under Interreg NEXT. Together with ENI CBC programme bodies, projects will play the main role as testimonials and carriers of experiences from the field.

The event is complemented by a thematic outlook on ENI CBC environmental projects, providing insights on the green side of the cross-border actions along the external borders of the European Union. It is an agile document, with little text, lots of graphs and a couple of highlights. Have a look now!


The event agenda can be found here: TESIM_Thematic event PO2_20230228_draft_agenda

The registration is open until 24 February (COB).

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Registrations are closed for this event.

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