
   Coming events

4th network meeting on audit issues for the ENI CBC programmes


26 October 2020

On 26 October already 4th annual event for the the ENI CBC Audit Authorities and Group of auditors took place – as majority of events in the times of pandemic, this meeting was organised online. This year is different in many ways and this meeting was no exception – it was the first official meeting between DG Regio auditors and the programmes and both the Commission and the programme colleagues were happy to agree on the common principles of cooperation.

41 participants from the EC, Audit Authorities of all 15 ENI CBC programmes, GoA members, TESIM and Interact exchanges on the number of questions:

– transfer of the ENI CBC programmes from DG Near to DG Regio;
– outcomes of the DG Regio’s review of the annual audit reports and opinions;
– possibilities to improve audit work (guidelines, use of IT tools, harmonisation of approaches)
– implications of the pandemic to audit work.You can find the presentations from the event here.

You can find the presentations from the event here: 2020-10-26_presentations

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