
   Coming events

3rd meeting of the Consultation and Coordination Group of ENI CBC programmes


12 June 2018


Thon Brussels City Centre Hotel
Avenue du Boulevard 17 - Metro Rogier, Brussels

The 3rd meeting of the Consultation and Coordination Group of ENI CBC programmes will take place in Brussels on 12 June 2018. The meeting is a platform for exchange between the European Commission, the European External Action Service and the Heads of the Managing Authorities and Joint Technical Secretariats of ENI CBC programmes. The focus this time will be put to the action plan to implement the recommendations of the ex-post evaluation of ENPI CBC Programmes, the lessons learnt from the annual implementation reports 2017 and the programmes’ prospects in terms of monitoring and evaluation. As was the case in Tallinn, DG NEAR offers the possibility to arrange bilateral appointments upon request. If interested, please make sure that you tick this option when registering for the meeting.

Registration will remain open until Friday 1st of June, noon time. Participation is in principle limited to two representatives per programme. The detailed agenda is provided here: DG NEAR_3rd ENI CBC CCG meeting_agenda


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