Two calls for proposals of the ENI CBC “Romania-Republic of Moldova Joint Operational Programme 2014-2020” are open starting from 20 December 2017:
- The 1st call for proposals for hard projects
Hard projects include an infrastructure component of at least EUR 1 million. The overall indicative amount available for this call for proposals is EUR 32,5 million. Out of the four thematic objectives (TO) of the programme, only the following three are addressed by the present call:
TO 3: Promotion of the local culture and preservation of historical heritage
TO 7: Improvement of accessibility to the regions, development of transport and common networks and systems
TO 8: Common challenges in the field of safety and security
- The 2nd call for proposals for soft projects
Soft projects do not include an infrastructure component or their infrastructure component is of less than EUR 1 million. The overall financial allocation available for this call is EUR 16,1 million. This call is open for project proposals contributing to all four thematic objectives (TO):
TO 2: Support to education, research, technological development and innovation
TO 3: Promotion of local culture and preservation of historical heritage
TO 7: Improvement of accessibility to the regions, development of transport and common networks and systems
TO 8: Common challenges in the field of safety and security
The deadline for online submission of the project proposals under the 1st call (hard projects) is 21 May 2018 and under the 2nd call (soft projects) is 7 May 2018.