


    The 4th Call for Proposals of Kolarctic CBC 2014-2020 is open from  3 February to 31 March 2020, 16.00 (EET). The call is reserved for micro-projects falling under the  TO1 Business and SME development or TO6 Environmental protection, climate change adaptation and mitigation.
    Maximum duration of a project: 12 months.

    Link to proposal

    The 3rd Call for Proposals for standard projects of Kolarctic CBC 2014-2020 is open from 21 September to 21 December 2018 (till 4 p.m., Finnish time).

    The Call covers the following Thematic Objectives:

    TO1 Business and SME development;
    TO6 Environmental protection, climate change mitigation and adaptation;
    TO7 Improvement of accessibility to the regions, development of sustainable and climate-proof transport and communication networks and systems;
    TO10 Promotion of border management and border security, mobility and migration management.
    The Programme particularly encourages projects promoting Fluent mobility of people, goods and knowledge through TO7 and TO10.

    Link to proposal

    Kolarctic CBC 2014-2020 launched its 2nd call for proposals for standard projects on 26 June 2017 with the deadline for submission of the Grant application on 29 September 2017 at 4 PM (Finnish time).

    The call addresses priority axes 1 and 2 and the following thematic objectives (TO):

    TO1 Business and SME development;
    TO7 Improvement of accessibility to the regions, development of sustainable and climate-proof transport and communication networks and systems;
    TO10 Promotion of border management and border security, mobility and migration management.

    Link to proposal

    1st Call for Proposals is open from 23 January to 15 March 2017!

    The call is open for all priorities and thematic objectives of the programme.  In order to get funding a good idea and partners from each side of the EU – Russian border are needed as well as co-financing. The programme offers funding to projects that contribute to achieving the programme’s priorities and objectives. Private and public organisations can apply for funding during calls for proposals. Every project should provide at least 10% own funding for the project implementation.

    Link to proposal



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