

    Q. The meaning of “topping ups” is not defined or explained in the ENI CBC IR. Do we understand correctly that the standard practices of the organization to pay bonuses (after development talks, after fulfilling the set objectives or after fulfilling extra tasks) to an employee or official is not a topping up in this context and the bonuses can still be paid to employees/officials from the TA budget and be considered as eligible?

    A. The provision of ENI CBC IR is very clear. Parallel remuneration systems and topping ups shall be avoided. Technical assistance should not be used to pay for the topping up and bonuses of officials of participating countries. However, in case payment of bonuses forms a part of the legislation of the participating country, these bonuses should be covered by the technical assistance. In case of an official from the participating country, the source of salary payment must be either the participating country budget or technical assistance budget.

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