Q. Is it compulsory to fill out timesheets by the staff of the programme bodies devoting a fixed percentage of their work to programme tasks, in accordance with their job contract?
A. Even though specific supporting documents are not required by the ENI CBC Implementing Rules (hereinafter – ENI CBC IR), the Managing Authority should apply to technical assistance costs the same eligibility rules as for the projects, as stated in article 36 of the ENI CBC IR. Therefore, the programme bodies should provide the same supporting documents and use the same calculation methods requested by the programme to the project beneficiaries. They should be sufficient to satisfy the eligibility conditions set by the ENI CBC IR and the programme relevant documents (JOP, call for proposals, guidelines for applicants and grant contract).
The article 16 of the template for the General Conditions of the Grant Contract in PraG 2016 can serve as a general guidance to prepare justifications of the costs in the projects under instruments managed by DG NEAR. Based on the above, this article can be used as guidance for programme bodies as well.
The Managing Authorities are advised that the provisions for justification of staff costs stipulated in article 3 of Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) No 481/2014 are only applicable to European Territorial Cooperation programmes.