

    Q. Are there specific thresholds for waiver procedures concerning ENI CBC programmes?

    A. The EC note to the Joint Managing Authorities in charge of the ENPI CBC programmes on the notification of debt waivers (Ref. Ares(2017)5796224 – 27/11/2017), stipulates an indicative threshold of EUR 30.000 to determine whether the prior approval of the Commission needs to be granted or not. The note refers to the period 2007-2013, however it shall be used mutatis mutandis for the period 2014-2020.

    For amounts lower than this threshold, in line with the principles of sound financial management and proportionality (and assuming that the due diligence was fully exercised) the Managing Authority shall establish waivers without consulting the Commission. The justifications for the waiver shall be properly documented and filed to allow for a proper audit trail. Whatever the case, no threshold for applying an automatic waiver of recoverable amounts, as the one used in Interreg programmes managed by DG REGIO, exists for ENI CBC programmes. A prior approval from the Joint Monitoring Committee is compulsory regardless the amount to be waived.

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